Solace Dragonclaw

Roleplayer ♦ Crystal, Mateus

Walk-Up & Tell Friendly ♦ PST (UTC/GMT -8)

"True freedom is doing what you think is right and letting no one hold you back, especially yourself." - Solace

Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved


♦ㅤNameㅤㅤㅤSolace Wulfric Dragonclaw
♦ㅤNamedayㅤㅤㅤ7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
♦ㅤGuardian DeityㅤㅤㅤOschon, The Wanderer
♦ㅤAgeㅤㅤㅤThirty-one (31)
♦ㅤRaceㅤㅤㅤ3/4 Hyurian, 1/4 Elezen
♦ㅤNationalityㅤㅤㅤIshgardian / Hingan
♦ㅤHeightㅤㅤㅤ5’11" / 180 cm
♦ㅤWeightㅤㅤㅤ190 lbs / 86 kg
♦ㅤBuildㅤㅤㅤAthletic, Muscular
♦ㅤComplexionㅤㅤㅤFair-skinned, slightly red from the sun
♦ㅤEye ColourㅤㅤㅤAzure Blue
♦ㅤHair Colourㅤㅤ Sandy Blonde (hints of pink, in the right light)
♦ㅤScentㅤㅤㅤPetrichor, Ocean Breeze, Various Green Tea Blends, Rosemary, Oregano
♦ㅤDistinguishing TattoosㅤㅤㅤSerpent Tattoo Sleeve on Left Arm
♦ㅤDistinguishing ScarsㅤㅤㅤVertical Scar Down Left Eye, Angled Scar Across Sternum
♦ㅤAliasㅤㅤㅤSol - "The Cobalt Serpent"
♦ㅤPronounsㅤㅤㅤHe / Him
♦ㅤOccupationㅤㅤㅤWanderer / Company Leader / Tea Sommelier / Monster Chef
♦ㅤClassㅤㅤㅤGunbreaker / Culinarian
♦ㅤResidenceㅤㅤㅤOschon's Compass Headquarters - La Noscea | The Mists | Ward 3, Plot 45
♦ㅤAlignmentㅤㅤㅤChaotic Good
♦ㅤSexualityㅤㅤㅤPolyamorous & Demisexual
♦ㅤRomantic PartnersㅤㅤㅤAriale Albilon - Wife

Some more details...

Strengthㅤㅤㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Dexterityㅤㅤㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Staminaㅤㅤ ㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Intelligenceㅤㅤ ㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Spiritㅤㅤ ㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
Vitalityㅤㅤ ㅤ█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

extroverted / in between / introverted
disorganized / in between / organized
close minded / in between / open minded
disagreeable / in between / agreeable
cautious / in between / reckless
patient / in between / impatient
outspoken / in between / reserved
leader / in between / follower
empathetic / in between / apathetic
optimistic / in between / pessimistic
traditional / in between / modern
hard-working / in between / lazy
loyal / in between / disloyal

Some other fun facts:

  • Solace has The Echo, which — beyond its normal boons of tempering resistance and understanding different languages — allows him to briefly glimpse the future by a few seconds, at most. While he is unable to control this aspect of The Echo, it manifests in life-or-death situations, leaving him with a story behind a new scar instead of being a cold, lifeless body.

  • Solace's 'gunclub', Kaminari, has a unique barrel that alternates between Astral and Umbral cartridges. Whichever one he uses dictates whether Solace adopts an offensive (Umbral) or defensive (Astral) fighting style.

  • Solace is best associated with the element of Wind, from his cheerful, free personality to his fighting style. In the rare moments he becomes serious, he acts swiftly and decsively, adopting more of an association to the element of Lightning.

Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved


Cooking & Tea:

One of Solace's slightly odder quirks is taking an interest in what resources a defeated monster can provide and finding some way to prepare a meal or dish from the monstrocities he defeats. On top of this, he enjoys making radical tea blends with a variety of herbs, spices, fruits, and even sometimes the aforementioned monster resources compliment a good blend!
Solace will always find common ground with those who are open to making, eating, or simply enjoy exotic dishes. While he is often seen with his own personal spiced berry tea blend, Solace also makes for a good drinking buddy, so long as the drinks "taste good and get ya drunk, when you need them to"...

Adventuring Reputation:

Despite being a jovial and charasmatic soul, Solace is no stranger to combat and conflict. Some may know him from having been on both the Ala Mhigan and Bozjan warfronts, or his heroic acts defending smaller settlements outside of Thavnair with his wife, Ariale, during The Final Days. Others may know him from his personal endeavors of relic hunting or escorting vital supplies to places in need. Solace's reputation as a steadfast adventurer and defender of the realm has grown in recent years, earning him titles like 'The Cobalt Serpent'. If you are a fellow adventurer or participated in any of the above world conflicts, you may know him or have heard of him...

Oschon's Compass:

As one of the founders and leaders of Oschon's Compass, a freelance company and network of close friends and allies, Solace is constantly looking to meet new people, find exciting jobs, and help those seeking their company's aid. If you have some work that piques his interest or are looking to make connections with powerful and varied individuals, Oschon's Compass might be available for recruitment or hire...

If you wish to know Solace better, the best thing to do is ask! He's usually an open individual and will quickly warm up to people, especially if you find or share some common interests with him! Get to know him well enough and you may even find out a secret or two about him...
((After all, that's what RP is all about!))

Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved


Ariale Albilon:

Solace's wife of two years was a known contributor to the Ala Mhigan Resistance, as well as one of the co-founders of the Oschon's Compass freelance company. While current public knowledge of her is limited, it is known that after the Ala Mhigan Resistance, the two were seen defending Thavnair's smaller settlements during The Final Days...

Rivian Dragonclaw:

As the youngest of the five Dragonclaw siblings and a fellow member of Oschon's Compass, Rivian has a very strong bond with Solace, affectionately for her older brother and both cooperative and competitively as a fellow adventurer.
As both grew up from a young age in Ishgard and went through knights training together, Rivian and Solace have been the closest of their siblings, even more so than their older twin siblings. While the two still act like they are children in their unending sibling rivalry or have a child-like wonder about the incredible things they see on adventures, they truly want what is best for the other and will go through hell to make sure the other is safe and happy.

Rayven Dragonclaw & Oda Tenshiro:

As the only son and third child of Rayven Dragonclaw and Oda Tenshiro's six children — two renowned adventurers and "retired" explorers — Solace tries to shy away from his family name so his accomplishments aren't simply attributed with their reputation or legacy.
With Rayven being a high ranking knight in Ishgard's military forces and Oda being a master swordsman, Solace always rides the line between being inspired by them and worried he won't make something of himself like they did.
If you know one of his family members though or their exploits, it's likely you've heard of him...

Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved


All of the art show above was done by a number of extremely talented and friendly artists!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go check them out and support their work!
(Their usernames will appear when you mouse over an image!)

Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved

OOC - About Me:

Hello! Thanks for checking out my RP profile for Solace!
For those that are interested in getting to know Solace better and would like to RP with me, please know that I am in my thirties and have over 10+ years of RP experience, starting in WoW and carrying over to FFXIV.
If you wish to RP with me, please read what themes I generally RP further down on this page. I'm pretty flexible on MOST themes, so if all that is understood, we should have no problems!
In addition to this, I've recently started making pose packs for those interested in GPOSE. Below are links to where you can view/download them, if you're looking to take some fun screenshots in-game!
Timezone: PST/PDT
Gameplay Content: Trials, Raiding, Crafting, Treasure Maps, Older Content Farms
Roleplay Styles: Casual, Long-term, Campaign, occasional AU
Creative Content: Anamnesis Poser, Art Party Host

Accepted Themes:

Despite Solace's cheerful and sometimes overly optimistic demeanor, he has dealt with many situations and conflicts involving darker themes. As a player and storyteller, I'm always looking to further Solace's character through deep and compelling storytelling via casual and long-form RP. While I do generally have do's and don'ts when it comes to RP, I'm flexible with most themes, so long as they aren't overly used or in severe excess for no reason.I WILL ALWAYS BE DOWN TO PARTAKE IN THE FOLLOWING:
♦ Action/Adventure ♦ Dark/Mature ♦ Mystery ♦ Casual & Long-term ♦
Erotic Roleplay - ERP
RP with players/characters younger than 18
Themes of Sexual Assault, Excessive Torture and/or Excessive Gore


Solace © StrawHatSolace, All Rights Reserved
Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix, All Rights Reserved